The Fragments of A Broken Symphony

I found myself facing the unrelenting truth when I opened Spotify this morning– he had detached himself as a collaborator in our shared playlist. I can say that I’m a detailed person. Hence, I noticed the conspicuous absence of “Sesaat Kau Hadir” by Gery Gany. A song he once added with a trace of his musical taste, now vanished. The absence of a song that held sentimental weight deepened the wound.

The collaborative removal became a metaphor for the erasure of our shared existence. It wasn’t just a departure from the digital realm; it symbolized the fragmentation of a connection we once had. The bitter taste of reality lingers as I comprehend the permanence of his decision.

The realization dawned on me like a distant storm approaching – he possesses a formidable will to exist outside the contours of my life. Was I, perhaps, an unwelcome burden, a chapter he needed to close? The haunting notion that I might have been an intrusion he wished to escape lingered like a mossy dry down in perfume I didn’t like.

For the past week, I danced with denial, masking the heartache that festered within. Yet, his actions unveiled a truth I was unwilling to confront – this might be a heartache I can’t endure.

As I face the uncertain path ahead, I must find solace in the bittersweet memories embedded in the notes of our shared playlist, understanding that sometimes, the most profound growth emerges from the fragments of a broken symphony.

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